Not Convinced Yet? Here's Proof
Please Note
- Cards with Asterisks(*) are not CPN friendly and would require a picture of SSN and ID
- Tradelines of the same color have the same address
- AMEX lines will show the date when the AU was added instead of the open date of the card.
- The ones with asterisks (**) are not CPN friendly. They would require a picture of your ID and SSN Card and will be validated with our SSN System.
- All tradelines will be now given with the address and confirmation of tradeline adding.
- Proof of Non Posting are requested 10 days before the end of the tradeline falling off or Refund will not be given.
- Hard pulls and Address changes are required to help get the bureaus to merge with your credit report once confirmation has been given.
- Tradelines are now given 7-10 days before the statement date begins to ensure posting so you must order in time
DO NOT call us for tradeline orders, only email. Why? This is so we can keep our prices low if you check above, our prices are EXTREMELY competitive.
Note: Wells Fargo, Chase, Discover lines require a soft pull with the address we provide you or a hard pull. Or they will not post. It is your responsibility to do the soft or hard pull.All Lines post in 1-2 weeks after the Statement Date.
* All US Bank lines post on the 1st to 2nd week of the following month.the 1 to 2 weeks posting doesn't apply to the US Bank tradelines.All SSNs/ CPNs are subject to skip trace analysis and will refuse service.
We guarantee the AU tradelines will stay on the file 30 days. It can stay longer but that is the minimum.
We can not refund if you gave us the wrong name, misspelling, SSN or DOB so please double check We guarantee your tradeline(s) will post on 2 of the 3 bureaus OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Tradelines post in 10 to 14 days from the statement date. Make sure to be checking your credit report after the 10th day.
For refunds, we need a working 3 bureau login to a credit monitoring website so we can verify your non posting and help you get it posted. We can not accept CreditKarma. For non posting of an AU please fill out the non Posting Form on the bottom of this email between the 2-4 week window of it posting afterwards.
We can not look into non posting AUs or refund if you request a refund after 4 weeks have passed from the statement date. Please make sure you are waiting around 10 to 14 days and checking your report to give time for the AU to hit.
If you are requesting us to look into a non posting AU over 4 weeks later, we cannot credit or refund you as it's too late in the window of posting and for us to be able to help you get it to post with a soft pull/address merge. Our refunds are done through Chase, Bank of America, or Google Wallet only at this time.
We also will no longer be refunding if a line posts as 'terminated' since it will still provide boost in scores.
We don't guarantee score increases or getting scores for blank files. We guarantee only posting on at least 2 out of 3 bureaus.